

2021 Education Committee Application

About the Committee
Chaired by the Director-at-large for Education, the Education Committee meets two to three times per year, as well as during the BOTANY meeting. The Education Committee focuses on all matters relating to teaching, training, and professional education in the plant sciences, including informal, K-12, undergraduate, and graduate biology education. A highly successful BSA program to have come from the work of this committee is PlantingScience. Other recent initiatives have been to enhance educational outreach resources on the BSA website and sponsorship of the Life Discovery conference.


Member Criteria
Committee membership is open to all BSA membership categories: emeritus, retired, professional, affiliate, postdoc, student, developing nation. Committees strive for both Institutional/organizational and geographic diversity. Most members serve three-year terms, except for student members whose terms are for two years. Committee members are expected to participate and be engaged in committee activities and have a genuine interest in the mission of the committee.

Time Commitment
At least three meetings per year, with one meeting normally taking place during the Botany conference.

This committee will have one graduate and one undergraduate student as part of its composition. The goal of student representatives on this committee is to provide a student or early-career researcher’s perspective on how best to improve the education efforts of the BSA.


Application open date
Dec 18, 2020, 00:00 AM America/Los_Angeles
Application close date
Apr 1, 2021, 23:59 PM America/Los_Angeles


Evaluation open date
Apr 2, 2021, 00:00 AM America/Los_Angeles
Evaluation close date
Apr 15, 2021, 23:59 PM America/Los_Angeles

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